Corporate support
We are grateful for the support we receive and relationships we form with corporates and local businesses. We are based in the heart of Central London and easy to reach for London-based businesses. Your company may want to fulfil their Corporate Social Responsibility objectives, promote opportunities for staff volunteering days, nominate us as your Charity of the Year or you may have (or want to set up) an employee giving scheme.
From time to time we enjoy having corporate volunteer teams to help us with various projects at the Centre. Recently we welcomed a team from Pret a Manger giving our drop-in room a bit of a makeover, the W Hotel in Leicester Square donated many boxes of toiletries for our clients and Frontier Economics prepared and served a delicious meal on a drop-in day.
We can help you create innovative, simple and fun ways to raise funds for us and promote staff engagement. You might like to provide or collect raffle prizes for our fundraisers, hold a fundraiser, organise a clothing collection, take part in one of our fundraisers (London Legal Walk, marathons and sponsored events). We can also promote your involvement on our social media, news pages and supporter newsletters.
Whatever you do, your support is hugely valuable to us.
Why not get in touch and have a conversation to see how you might support us.